Snapper By Brian Kimberling

Twelve members met together in January to discuss the book Snapper which had been the Christmas read.

Brenda opened the meeting by giving out some notes of interest and an apology from Pam who was unable to attend on the night.

The opening the lively discussion revealed that most members were unable to enjoy (or finish!!) the book, or “get into it” as anticipated.

It was viewed as a journal, a journey and a meander through the main character’s life. There appeared to be little storyline and no continuity in the narrative. The storyline “leapfrogged” and seemed disconnected.

However, on a more positive note, members enjoyed the outstanding description, the occasional witty episodes and the information given on Indiana.

One member in particular found much to be enjoyed and several noted the political and social issues broached in the book. The member who had not yet finished the book had not been deterred from doing so by the comments so this was viewed as positive.

It was noted that the reviews on the book cover didn’t really convey a true reflection of the book, but as it was pointed out by another member reviewers rarely comment that are “boring, badly written and un-captivating”!!!!!!!

Members would not recommend to a friend without a qualifying comment and another member compared the book from Christmas last year to that of this year as “Snappy” not happy!!!!

An apt comment on which to end the meeting!

The next meeting to discuss The Help by Kathryn Stockett will be held on March 1 at the Cloisters.